Convert numbers to Roman.

Number to Roman Converter

Number to Roman Converter

Roman numerals are a type of numerical system that dates back to the time of ancient Rome and is still used today in a variety of places, including on clocks, page numbers, and movie titles. Roman numerals, in contrast to the modern decimal system, employ a mix of letters to signify distinct values.

The fundamental Roman numerals and their associated values are shown in the following table:
Roman Numeral Value
I 1
V 5
X 10
L 50
C 100
D 500
M 1000
You must first divide a number into its component parts before using the above chart to determine the equivalent Roman numerals for each part in order to convert the number to Roman numerals. The following are the fundamental guidelines for romanizing numbers:

Up to three repetitions in a row of the symbols I, X, C, and M can be used to denote the total of their values. For instance, III denotes 3, XXX denotes 30, CCC denotes 300, and MMM denotes 3000.

The value is obtained by deducting the smaller number from the bigger number when one occurs before the other. As an illustration, IV denotes 4 (5 - 1), IX denotes 9 (10 - 1), and XL denotes 40 (50 - 10).
When a smaller number follows a larger number, you combine the two numbers to obtain the total. VI, for instance, stands for 6 (5 + 1), XV, for 15, and MC, for 1100 (1000 + 100).

Here are some instances of numbers that have been converted to Roman numerals:

For instance: 25
We must first divide 25 into its component components, 20, and 5, in order to write it in Roman numerals. Roman number 25 is represented as XXV so we may write 20 as XX and 5 as V.

Case 2: 49
By dividing 49 into 40 and 9, we may write it in Roman numerals. The Roman number 40 can be represented as XL and 9 as IX.
Since they already stand for high numbers, the symbols V, L, and D cannot be used again. For instance, you should use X instead of VV when writing the number 10.

When a lower value number is positioned between two greater value numerals, the larger value is deducted. For instance, the Roman numeral representation of the number 98 is XC VIII (XC for 90 and VIII for 8).

A horizontal line is added above the sign to denote multiples of 1000 in order to depict greater numerals. For illustration, 10,000 is represented as a line above the letter X.
4. Example: 136
We may divide 136 into three parts, 100, 30 and 6, to represent it in Roman numerals. Roman numeral 136 is represented as CXXXVI since 100 may be written as C, 30 as XXX, and 6 as VI.

Case No. 5: 789
We may divide 789 into its component parts of 700, 80, and 9 to write it in Roman numerals. Roman numeral representation of 789 is DCCLXXXIX, where DCC is equivalent to 700, LXXX to 80, and IX to 9.

For instance, 2022
Roman numerals may be used to represent 2022 by dividing it into 2000, 20, and 2. For example, 2000 may be written as MM, 20 as XX, and 2 as II. We add a line above the number to represent multiplication by 1000.

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